Graphic title saying Product Design


The process of crafting tools that solve problems.


And we’re shit hot at doing it, and a bunch of other things too.

Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'
Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'Title reading 'How we do it'

We start with a bang



We start with a brand sprint.

“But hang on.. I need a product… I already have a brand?”

This is how we get to learn about the journey, understand your business, identify the people who would benefit from its value proposition, and share in your vision. It gives us an opportunity to meet your team and key stakeholders and unify the vision and get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet - you’d be amazed how many times we’ve seen different people in different positions carry different perspectives of what the same company is striving to achieve.

The sprint is no waffle, no gimmicks, just a tool we use to get to the core of what you’re trying to achieve.

Once complete, we’ll know:
  • What your brand and product is
  • Why it exists
  • What sets it apart from the crowd
  • Your values
  • Who sees you
  • The brands personality
  • The competitor landscape
  • Business goals
  • The roadmap

After, we can then begin to make it a reality.

On your marks



You are the expert in the field. So we’d be naive to not use you and your teams knowledge to help produce the solution designs. So we use any previous/ongoing research being conducted, any metrics and analysis done on an existing product that is out in the wild and that becomes our baseline - the point in which we measure our designs against. Design is measurable, and we’re proud of the numbers we produce.

Get set



It’s been said that multitasking is doing multiple things badly. We agree. For transformative product design to be effective, we need to take things one step at a time.

We begin work - as a team - on defining the golden path of the product, or feature we’re trying to create. Think of this as the happy path we’ve laid down for users to follow to achieve their goal. This is as holistic as we like to go with the design for now, we need to know the stages involved to get a user to what they need.

Then, we break it down looking at each specific moment along that path and begin to flesh it out and creating visual designs. Working along side your team, we help formulate a sprint plan as to what the teams focus needs to be on to make this golden path a reality. Sprints work best when the team’s aim is to solve a specific user problem within that sprint cycle.




We’ve got our direction, we’ve got a holistic solution for our users problem, time to focus on step 1 of our golden path. This is where you will begin to see visual and experience design - the look and feel of what this product is going to become. We develop a visual language and style guide through a bespoke and scalable design system which is repeatedly used to flesh out the UI & UX of the product.




Then we make it move. You’ll get to feel how the product moves & behaves reflecting the brands personality. You’ll gain a better understanding of the flows we previously set out and most importantly, we can put it in the hands of real users to see how they feel about it.




We listen to the feedback and study the analytics from the prototype and, if needed, iterate on the design to fine tune it ahead of it going into build. In the product process, each new idea is cheaper when it's made in the design stage. Changes in the development stage take a lot more time, effort, and planning. Therefore it's crucial for all parties that we're fully confident of what we commit to development, by testing & iterating early.




We then implement the flows into the system, the working files, and the prototype before handing it over to your development team. But we don’t leave it, we follow the build ensuring we conduct visual QA so the end result is as it was designed.




Once step 1 of the flow is done, we move onto the next, and the next, and the next, until the flow we set out at the start is built. We are massive advocates for ‘just in time’ design. Where we focus our energy and efforts on designing in detail for the problem we’re about to face in the next sprint. This means the next set of designs are injected with the learnings we gain from the prototype made in the previous sprint cycle. Each flow we design becoming more user centric, and produced that bit quicker.

The Bang


















Design is more than aesthetics - it shapes everything around us. It plays with our emotions and forms our experiences. Therefore, we design responsibly. Crafting beautiful work that leaves people satisfied, and grows companies ethically.

About us

The Bang