What is it
After Effects is a motion design tool in the Creative Cloud suite by Adobe. It enables us to create moving graphics and Motion UI elements for our clients.Lottie is a plugin for After Effects, originally created by the wonderful folk at Airbnb. It allows us to export our vector animation sequences from After Effects as JSON files to run in iOS, Android and Web builds without them being a large PNG sequence or video - basically make gorgeous animations without overloading the product.
How we do it
We use these tools to help create delightful experiences for our clients. From onboarding graphics that now have motion and personality, to micro interactions found within a flow like a button press, we can add small amounts of motion into our designs to provide adequate feedback to our users and bring some fun into the UI.
Design is more than aesthetics - it shapes everything around us. It plays with our emotions and forms our experiences. Therefore, we design responsibly. Crafting beautiful work that leaves people satisfied, and grows companies ethically.