What is it
The word “Styleguide” gets tossed around alongside words like “Design system” “Brand guidelines” “Pattern Library” so it can get a bit confusing.It’s essentially another place to set out the rules and guidelines for implementing your brands visual style. Usually a Styleguide refers more directly to the guidelines around document creation, and leaves out content related to other aspects of brand implementation. This other content would sit in a brand guidelines of if more product specific a design system.
How we do it
Styleguides are more condensed, concise and specific in their guidelines, this means they have the specific ability to be distributed and utilised by more people. They will be a simple but effective way to get more users adhering to the brand visuals than just the design team specifically.
Design is more than aesthetics - it shapes everything around us. It plays with our emotions and forms our experiences. Therefore, we design responsibly. Crafting beautiful work that leaves people satisfied, and grows companies ethically.